My Business

Creative solutions, creative results.

The beginning and end . A tale of betrayal of trust.
The TRUTH...
It was a long time ago when my grandfather Raja Mohan Prasad was bestowed by God’s grace over seven generations with large wealth and properties at Hyderabad and had business interests at various places in India.

In 1925 during a family partition, one of the assets which came to his share were 4 trunk loads of jewellery mortgaged to family for amount of Rs.9 lakhs advanced to a jeweller of Madras (Chennai) valued at 9 lakhs. At that point it got involved in an insolvency petition filed by Borrower M/s Tawker &Sons of Madras which he was anxious to get released.

During that time one of our clerks had introduced Ramnath Goenka to my grandfather. Goenka claimed that he could help him in releasing the jewellery as he knew important Englishmen. He successfully did so and gained the confidence and employment with my grandfather at a salary of Rs. 100 per month with free boarding and lodging for him and his family.

After having gained the confidence of my grandfather he suggested to take up the Dubash Agency (in today’s terms consignee sales agent) of the Bombay Company Limited, which was a British Company importing yellow metal and cotton.


Story continues

A detailed insight into the Birth of Indian Express Group (1932)

Key Highlights Events Proof Journals Court Hearing Argument Law & Judiciary Judgment Politics & Power Play Justice

  • Hyderabad, Telangana, India